Marketii is the leading company in providing global coverage for your survey programs. We currently work in over 35 native languages and surveying across over 90 countries. If working on phone method of capture then our experienced staff are all NATIVE language speakers, thus enabling higher forms of insight and response rates as well as being able to understand local cultural nuances.
Our phone staff have an average age of 38 and most qualified to at least degree level, others with Masters and Phd’s. So they have experiences in their own lives to enable better understanding of what world class service should look and sound like to help our clients better understand their customers.
Our language staff are also heavily involved with all other automated survey methods such as email, sms, QR to aid in translations, testing and importantly understanding of the feedback given by customers so that we can interpret the insight in the best way and fully understand any of the differences we see across the globe in terms of expectations, opportunities and importance of the services you provide.
From our research we are the only company that can provide you with a Culture Index to quantify the differences seen across the countries to aid international managers to read their results in a much more informed light.